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Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xlstr.c


(char> char1 charN ... )
char1 - a character expression
charN - character expression(s) to compare
returns -  T  if the characters are of monotonically decreasing ASCII value, NIL otherwise
Note: case is significant with this function


The 'char>' [character-greater-than] function takes one or more character arguments. It checks to see if all the character arguments are monotonically decreasing.  T  is returned if the arguments are of monotonically decreasing ASCII value. In the case of two arguments, this has the effect of testing if 'char1' is greater than 'char2'. This test is case sensitive, the character '#\a' is different and of greater ASCII value than '#\A'.


(char> #\a #\b)      ; returns NIL
(char> #\b #\a)      ; returns T
(char> #\c #\b #\a)  ; returns T
(char> #\a #\a)      ; returns NIL
(char> #\c #\a #\b)  ; returns NIL
(char> #\A #\a)      ; returns NIL
(char> #\a #\A)      ; returns T

See the char> function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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