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XLISP Language Reference

 #  |  a  |  b  |  c  |  d  |  e  |  f  |  g  |  h  |  i  |  k  |  l  |  m  |  n  |  o  |  p  |  q  |  r  |  s  |  t  |  u  |  v  |  w  |  z  |

 *    -  function - multiply a list of numbers
 *    -  variable - bound to the most recent result
 **    -  variable - bound to the second recent result
 ***    -  variable - bound to the third recent result
 +    -  function - add a list of numbers
 +    -  variable - bound to the most recent input expression
 ++    -  variable - bound to the second recent input expression
 +++    -  variable - bound to the third recent input expression
 -    -  function - subtract a list of numbers or negate a single number
 -    -  variable - bound to the expression currently being evaluated
 /    -  function - divide a list of numbers
 /=    -  function - test numbers for not equal to
 1+    -  function - add one to a number
 1-    -  function - subtract one from a number
 <    -  function - test numbers for less than
 <=    -  function - test numbers for less than or equal to
 =    -  function - test numbers for equal to
 >    -  function - test numbers for greater than
 >=    -  function - test numbers for greater than or equal to
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abs   -  function - the absolute value of a number
acos   -  function - compute the arccosine of a floating point number
address-of   -  function - get the address of an xlisp node
alloc   -  function - change the number of nodes to allocate in each segment
and   -  special form - the logical AND of a list of expressions
:answer   -  message selector - add a message to a class
append   -  function - append lists
apply   -  function - apply a function to a list of arguments
*applyhook*   -  system variable - [not yet implemented]
aref   -  function - get the nth element of an array
arrayp   -  predicate function - is this an array ?
asin   -  function - compute the arcsine of a floating point number
assoc   -  function - find an expression in an a-list
atan   -  function - compute the arctangent of a floating point number
atom   -  predicate function - is this an atom ?
&aux   -  keyword - define auxiliary variables
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backquote   -  special form - fill in a template
baktrace   -  function - print n levels of trace back information
block   -  special form - named block
both-case-p   -  predicate function - is this an alphabetic [either case] character ?
boundp   -  predicate function - is a value bound to this symbol ?
break   -  function - enter a break loop
*breakenable*   -  system variable - controlling entering break loop on errors
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car   -  function - return the first element of a list node
caar cadr   -  function - perform a sequence of car and cdr operations
caaar...caddr   -  function - perform a sequence of car and cdr operations
caaaar...cadddr   -  function - perform a sequence of car and cdr operations
case   -  special form - select by case
catch   -  special form - evaluate expressions and catch throws
cdr   -  function - return a list node with the first element removed
cdar cddr   -  function - perform a sequence of car and cdr operations
cdaar...cdddr   -  function - perform a sequence of car and cdr operations
cdaaar...cddddr   -  function - perform a sequence of car and cdr operations
cerror   -  function - signal a correctable error
char   -  function - extract a character from a string
char/=   -  function - test if characters are not equal, case is significant
char<   -  function - test if characters are monotonically increasing, case is significant
char<=   -  function - test if characters are monotonically non-decreasing, case is significant
char=   -  function - test if characters are equivalent, case is significant
char>   -  function - test if characters are monotonically decreasing, case is significant
char>=   -  function - test if characters are monotonically non-increasing, case is significant
characterp   -  predicate function - is this a character ?
char-code   -  function - get the ASCII code of a character
char-downcase   -  function - convert a character to lower case
char-equal   -  function - test if characters are equivalent, case is not significant
char-greaterp   -  predicate function - test if characters are monotonically decreasing, case is not significant
char-int   -  function - convert a character to an integer
char-lessp   -  predicate function - test if characters are monotonically increasing, case is not significant
char-not-equal   -  function - test if characters are different values, case is not significant
char-not-greaterp   -  predicate function - test if characters are monotonically non-decreasing, case is not significant
char-not-lessp   -  predicate function - test if characters are monotonically non-increasing, case is not significant
char-upcase   -  function - convert a character to upper case
class   -  object - the built-in object class
:class   -  message selector - return the class of an object
clean-up   -  function - clean-up after an error
close   -  function - close a file stream
code-char   -  function - get the character with a specified ASCII code
comma   -  reader expansion - comma evaluates expressions in a backquote form
comma-at   -  reader expansion - splices a list into a expression in a backquote form
cond   -  special form - evaluate conditionally
cons   -  function - construct a new list node
consp   -  predicate function - is this a non-empty list ?
:constituent   -  keyword - readtable entry to specify a character to be used as is
continue   -  function - continue from a correctable error
cos   -  function - compute the cosine of a floating point number
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*debug-io*   -  system variable - file pointer for debug input and output
defmacro   -  special form - define a XLISP macro
defun   -  special form - define a XLISP function
delete   -  function - delete elements from a list
delete-if   -  function - delete elements from a list that pass a test
delete-if-not   -  function - delete elements from a list that fail a test
digit-char   -  function - convert a decimal digit to a character
digit-char-p   -  predicate function - convert a character to a decimal digit, if possible
do   -  special form - 'while' loop with local bindings, evaluated in no specific order
do*   -  special form - 'while' loop with local bindings, evaluated in sequencial order
dolist   -  special form - 'for' loop with loop symbol, looping throgh a list
dotimes   -  special form - 'for' loop with loop symbol, looping a given number of times
dribble   -  function - create a file with a transcript of a XLISP session
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endp   -  predicate function - is this the end of a list ?
eq   -  predicate function - equality test comparing memory pointers, may fail on numbers
eql   -  predicate function - same as 'eq', but works with all symbols and numbers
equal   -  predicate function - equality test by comparing printed values
error   -  function - signal a non-correctable error
*error-output*   -  system variable - file pointer for error input and output
errset   -  special form - trapping errors
eval   -  function - evaluate an XLISP expression
evalhook   -  function - evaluate with hooks
*evalhook*   -  system variable - user substitute for the evaluator function
evenp   -  predicate function - is this integer even ?
exit   -  function - exit XLISP
exp   -  function - compute e to the x power
expand   -  function - expand memory by adding segments
expt   -  function - compute x to the y power
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fboundp   -  predicate function - is a functional value bound to this symbol ?
first   -  function - get the first element of a list
flatc   -  function - length of printed representation using princ
flatsize   -  function - length of printed representation using prin1
flet   -  special form - create local functions
float   -  function - convert an integer to a floating point number
*float-format*   -  system variable - format for printing floating point numbers
floatp   -  predicate function - is this a floating point number ?
format   -  function - do formated output
fourth   -  function - get the fourth element of a list
funcall   -  function - call a function with arguments
function   -  special form - get the functional interpretation of a symbol or lambda expression
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gc   -  function - call the garbage collector
gcd   -  function - compute the greatest common divisor
*gc-flag*   -  system variable - controls the printing of 'gc' messages
*gc-hook*   -  system variable - function to call after garbage collection
gensym   -  function - generate a symbol
get   -  function - get the value of a property
get-key   -  function - get a single key stroke from the keyboard
get-lambda-expression   -  function - returns a reconstruction of a lambda or macro expression
get-output-stream-list   -  function - empty a specified stream and return it's data as a list
get-output-stream-string   -  function - empty a specified stream and return it's data as a single string
go   -  special form - go to a tag within a tagbody or prog
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hash   -  function - compute the hash index for a symbol
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 if    -  special form - evaluate expressions conditionally
int-char   -  function - convert an integer to a character
*integer-format*   -  system variable - format for printing integer numbers
integerp   -  predicate function - is this an integer number ?
intern   -  function - create a new interned symbol
:isnew   -  message selector - cause an instance to run its initialization method
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&key   -  keyword - define keyword arguments
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labels   -  special form - create local functions in a mutually recursive manner
lambda   -  special form - create a function with no name
last   -  function - return the last node of a list
length   -  function - find the length of a list, vector or string
let   -  special form - create local bindings, evaluated in no specific order
let*   -  special form - create local bindings, evaluated in sequencial order
list   -  function - create a list of values
listp   -  predicate function - is this a list ?
load   -  function - load a source file
logand   -  function - the bitwise AND of a list of numbers
logior   -  function - the bitwise INCLUSIVE OR of a list of numbers
lognot   -  function - the bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR of a list of numbers
logxor   -  function - the bitwise NOT of a number
loop   -  special form - basic looping form
lower-case-p   -  predicate function - is this a lower case character ?
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macroexpand   -  function - expand macro definitions recursively
macroexpand-1   -  function - expand the first level of a macro definition
macrolet   -  special form - create local macros
make-array   -  function - create an array of specified size
make-string-input-stream   -  function - create an unnamed stream from a string expression
make-string-output-stream   -  function - create and return an unnamed output stream
make-symbol   -  function - make a temporary, uninterned symbol
mapc   -  function - apply a function to successive cars, return the first list of arguments
mapcar   -  function - apply a function to successive cars, return a list of the values
mapl   -  function - apply a function to successive cdrs, return the first list of arguments
maplist   -  function - apply a function to successive cdrs, return a list of the values
max   -  function - return the largest of a list of numbers
member   -  function - find an expression in a list
:mescape   -  keyword - readtable entry specifying a character to be used as a multiple escape character
min   -  function - return the smallest of a list of numbers
minusp   -  predicate function - is this number negative ?
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nconc   -  function - destructively concatenate lists
:new   -  message selector - create a new instance of a class
nil   -  system constant - representing the empty list as well as the false value
:nmacro   -  keyword - readtable entry to specify a character to be used as the start of a non-terminating read macro
not   -  predicate function - is this false ?
nstring-downcase   -  function - convert a string or a part of it to lower case
nstring-upcase   -  function - convert a string or a part of it to upper case
nth   -  function - return the nth element of a list
nthcdr   -  function - return the nth cdr of a list
null   -  predicate function - is this an empty list ?
numberp   -  predicate function - is this a number ?
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*obarray*   -  system variable - the system symbol table
object   -  object - the build-in object class
objectp   -  predicate function - is this an object ?
oddp   -  predicate function - is this integer number odd ?
open   -  function - open a file stream
&optional   -  keyword - define optional arguments
or   -  special form - the logical OR of a list of expressions
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peek   -  function - return an internal computer memory value
peek-char   -  function - look at a single character from a specified source
plusp   -  predicate function - is this number positive ?
poke   -  function - write a value to the internal computer memory
pprint   -  function - print a pretty looking version of an expression to a specified destination
prin1   -  function - print an expression without a newline
princ   -  function - print an expression without quoting and without a newline
print   -  function - print an expression on a new line
*print-case*   -  system variable - specifies how symbols are to be printed
prog   -  special form - a 'block' construct with local bindings, evaluated in no specific order
prog*   -  special form - a 'block' construct with local bindings, evaluated in sequencial order
prog1   -  special form - a 'block' construct with no local bindings, returning the value of the first expression
prog2   -  special form - a 'block' construct with no local bindings, returning the value of the second expression
progn   -  special form - a 'block' construct with no local bindings, returning the value of the last expression
progv   -  special form - a 'block' construct with local bindings, created out of two lists given as arguments
psetq   -  special form - perform 'setq' assignments in parallel
putprop   -  function - put a property onto a symbol's property list
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quote   -  special form - return an expression unevaluated
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random   -  function - compute a random number between 0 and n-1 inclusive
read   -  function - read an expression
read-byte   -  function - read a byte from a stream
read-char   -  function - read a character from a stream
read-line   -  function - read a line from a stream
*readtable*   -  system variable - contains data structures relating to the processing of characters
rem   -  function - return the remainder of a list of numbers
remove   -  function - remove elements from a list
remove-if   -  function - remove elements from a list that pass a test
remove-if-not   -  function - remove elements from a list that fail a test
remprop   -  function - remove a property from a symbol's property list
rest   -  function - return a list node with the first element removed [identical to 'cdr']
&rest   -  keyword - define 'rest' arguments, to be collected in a list
restore   -  function - restore a XLISP workspace from a file
return   -  special form - cause a 'block' construct to return a value
return-from   -  special form - return from a named block
reverse   -  function - reverse a list
room   -  function - show memory allocation statistics
rplaca   -  function - replace the car of a list node
rplacd   -  function - replace the cdr of a list node
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save   -  function - save a XLISP workspace to a file
second   -  function - get the second element of a list
self   -  symbol - evaluates to the current object when used within a message context
send   -  function - send a message to an object
send-super   -  function - send a message to the superclass
:sescape   -  keyword - readtable entry specifying a character to be used as a single escape character
set   -  function - set the value of a symbol
setf   -  special form - set the value of a field
setq   -  special form - set the quoted value of a symbol
:show   -  message selector - show an object's instance variables
sin   -  function - compute the sine of a floating point number
sort   -  function - sort a list
sqrt   -  function - compute the square root of a floating point number
*standard-input*   -  system variable - file pointer for standard input
*standard-output*   -  system variable - file pointer for standard output
strcat   -  function - concatenate strings
streamp   -  predicate function - is this a stream ?
string   -  function - make a string from a symbol, character or string
string/=   -  function - test if string1 is not equal to string2, case is significant
string<   -  function - test if string1 is less than string2, case is significant
string<=   -  function - test if string1 is less than or equal to string2, case is significant
string=   -  function - test if the string arguments have the same values, case is significant
string>   -  function - test if string1 is greater than string2, case is significant
string>=   -  function - test if string1 is greater than or equal to string2, case is significant
stringp   -  predicate function - is this a string ?
string-downcase   -  function - convert a string or a part of it to lower case
string-equal   -  function - test if string1 equal to string2, case is not significant
string-greaterp   -  predicate function - test if string1 is greater than string2, case is not significant
string-left-trim   -  function - trim the left end of a string
string-lessp   -  predicate function - test if string1 is less than string2, case is not significant
string-not-equal   -  function - test if string1 is not equal to string2, case is not significant
string-not-greaterp   -  predicate function - test if string1 is less than or equal to string2, case is not significant
string-not-lessp   -  predicate function - test if string1 is greater than or equal to string2, case is not significant
string-right-trim   -  function - trim the right end of a string
string-trim   -  function - trim both ends of a string
string-upcase   -  function - convert a string or a part of it to upper case
sublis   -  function - substitute expressions by using an association list
subseq   -  function - extract a substring
subst   -  function - substitute expressions
symbol-function   -  function - get the functional value of a symbol
symbol-name   -  function - get the print name of a symbol
symbol-plist   -  function - get the property list of a symbol
symbol-value   -  function - get the value of a symbol
symbolp   -  predicate function - is this a symbol ?
system   -  function - execute a command of the operating system
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 t    -  system constant - represents 'true'
tagbody   -  special form - a 'block' form with labels
tan   -  function - compute the tangent of a floating point number
terpri   -  function - terminate printing, prints a newline character
third   -  function - get the third element of a list
throw   -  special form - throw to a catch, allows non-local exits and traps
:tmacro   -  keyword - readtable entry to specify a character to be used as the start of a terminating read macro
top-level   -  function - clean-up after an error and return to the top level
trace   -  function - add a function to the trace list
*tracelimit*   -  system variable - the number of forms printed on entry to the break loop
*tracelist*   -  system variable - a list of the current functions being traced
*tracenable*   -  system variable - controls whether or not the break loop prints any back trace information on entry
*trace-output*   -  system variable - file pointer for trace output
truncate   -  function - truncates a floating point number to an integer
type-of   -  function - returns the type of the expression
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*unbound*   -  system constant - used to indicate when a symbol has no value
unless   -  special form - evaluate only when a condition is false
untrace   -  function - remove a function from the trace list
upper-case-p   -  predicate function - is this an upper case character ?
unwind-protect   -  special form - allows the trapping of all forms of exit from a protected form
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vector   -  function - creates an initialized vector [one-dimensional array]
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when   -  special form - evaluate only when a condition is true
:white-space   -  keyword - readtable entry to specifying a character that may be skipped over
write-byte   -  function - write a byte to a stream
write-char   -  function - write a character to a stream
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zerop   -  predicate function - is this number zero ?

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