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Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xlstr.c


(string= string1 string2 [key offset] ... )
stringN - a string expression
key - a keyword [one of :start1 :start2 :end1 :end2]
offset - an optional integer expression for a keyword
returns -  T  if the string arguments have the same values, NIL otherwise
Note: case is significant with this function


The 'string=' [string-equal] function takes two string arguments. It checks to see if the string arguments have the same values.  T  is returned if 'string1' is equal to 'string2', NIL is returned otherwise. This test is case sensitive, the character '#\a' is different and of greater ASCII value than '#\A'.

The keyword arguments allow for accessing substrings within 'string1' and 'string2'. The keyword arguments each require a keyword ':start1', ':end1', ':start2' or ':end2' and a single integer expression as a pair with the keyword first and the integer second. The pairs may be in any order. The ':startN' keywords specify the starting offset of the substring. A value of 0 starts the string at the beginning [no offset]. The ':endN' keywords specify the ending offset of the substring. A value of 3 ends the string after the 3rd character [an offset of 3 characters].


(string= "a" "b")           ; returns NIL
(string= "a" "a")           ; returns T
(string= "a" "A")           ; returns NIL
(string= "A" "a")           ; returns NIL
(string= "abc" "abc ")      ; returns NIL

(string= "J Smith" "K Smith" :start1 1 :start2 1)  ; strip off the first chars 
                                                   ; returns T

(string= "abc" "123456789" :end2 3 :end1 3)        ; leave just the first 3 chars 
                                                   ; returns NIL

See the string= function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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