Tag Archives: XLisp

Changing the speed and length very accurately

Audacity has a “Change Speed” effect, but it is only accurate to three decimal places. For greater accuracy a short Nyquist script can be used in the Nyquist Prompt effect. In this example the length of the selected audio was 599.999 seconds and I wanted to stretch it to 600 seconds duration.The durations may be … Continue reading Changing the speed and length very accurately

Display time as hh:mm:ss

For a shorter display when hours [or hh:mm] are not required, set the ‘short’ parameter to 1. To display hh:mm:ss without milliseconds, set the second parameter [places] to 0. The ’round’ parameter can be set to round up, round down or round to the closest whole number of seconds. For full details of all options, … Continue reading Display time as hh:mm:ss

Converting numbers to strings and strings to lists

A couple of simple but useful functions. Hopefully this will save someone several hours of scouring Google. To test the code, copy and paste it into the Nyquist Prompt effect and press the DEBUG button to see the output. [cc lang=”lisp”] ; function to convert a number to a string (defun number-to-string (number) (format nil … Continue reading Converting numbers to strings and strings to lists