Stereo tracks in Nyquist
Since version 4 Nyquist plug-ins, the global variable that passes the track audio from Audacity to Nyquist changed from S to *TRACK*.
For mono tracks …
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Tutorials and Examples for Nyquist programming
Since version 4 Nyquist plug-ins, the global variable that passes the track audio from Audacity to Nyquist changed from S to *TRACK*.
For mono tracks …
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In Nyquist, as with List, there are two types of numbers – Integers and Floating Point numbers. An integer is a whole number with no decimal part, such as 1, 2, 99, 1000000. A floating point number is referred to as a FLONUM, or simply a “float” (floating point number) and is most easily defined … Continue reading Floats and Integers
So you’ve used a few plug-ins in Audacity and you’ve heard that it’s possible (and not too difficult) to write your own plug-ins. Now what? Where do you start? Here’s some pointers that will hopefully get you on your way. First, three pages from the official Audacity web site: After that, an … Continue reading Getting Started with Nyquist
Nyquist can produce tones that are accurate to the exact number of samples required. For example, if you want to generate 441 samples of a 1kHz sine tone, you can use the following code in the “Nyquist Prompt” effect: [cc lang=”lisp”] (setq num 441) (abs-env (sustain (/ num *sound-srate*)(hzosc 1000))) [/cc]
A couple of simple but useful functions. Hopefully this will save someone several hours of scouring Google. To test the code, copy and paste it into the Nyquist Prompt effect and press the DEBUG button to see the output. [cc lang=”lisp”] ; function to convert a number to a string (defun number-to-string (number) (format nil … Continue reading Converting numbers to strings and strings to lists
To clip a waveform we can just use: (clip sound amplitude)
To work round this problem we can create a sim function that works with multi-channel sound.
Here we look at conditioning the recorded square wave to make it more “square” using a simple Nyquist script…. We can then modulate this with a high frequency carrier wave which could then be used to drive an IR transmitter from a computer sound card […]