Stereo tracks in Nyquist
Since version 4 Nyquist plug-ins, the global variable that passes the track audio from Audacity to Nyquist changed from S to *TRACK*.
For mono tracks …
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Since version 4 Nyquist plug-ins, the global variable that passes the track audio from Audacity to Nyquist changed from S to *TRACK*.
For mono tracks …
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This plug-in is based on the same code as the Variable Tremolo plug-in and was written in response to a request for a plug-in for making Isochronic Tones (Isochronic Beats). For anyone unfamiliar with the term (as I was), Isochronic beats are related to binaural and monaural beats and the idea of brainwave entrainment. At … Continue reading Isochronic Modulator Plug-in
In Nyquist, as with List, there are two types of numbers – Integers and Floating Point numbers. An integer is a whole number with no decimal part, such as 1, 2, 99, 1000000. A floating point number is referred to as a FLONUM, or simply a “float” (floating point number) and is most easily defined … Continue reading Floats and Integers
Nyquist can produce tones that are accurate to the exact number of samples required. For example, if you want to generate 441 samples of a 1kHz sine tone, you can use the following code in the “Nyquist Prompt” effect: [cc lang=”lisp”] (setq num 441) (abs-env (sustain (/ num *sound-srate*)(hzosc 1000))) [/cc]
Well it turned out to be more of a challenge than anticipated, but finally it’s here. A Nyquist plug-in that allows envelopes to be created via text entry. This plug-in is basically complete, but requires a bit of tidying of the code. This is a version 3 plug-in and requires Audacity 1.3.x New features in … Continue reading Text Envelope 0.8 beta
Click below to visit site; SOME NYQUIST PLUG-IN POINTERS. By David R. Sky [Update] Due to the sad loss of David R. Sky who passed away on October 4th. 2009, this page is no longer available.
Here we look at conditioning the recorded square wave to make it more “square” using a simple Nyquist script…. We can then modulate this with a high frequency carrier wave which could then be used to drive an IR transmitter from a computer sound card […]